Cornell Institute of Business and Technology also provides students with a range of Pathways for further study at universities and other colleges in New Zealand and Australia.Located in the heart of Auckland City, Cornell is within walking distance to Queen Street, the Town Hall and the Aotea Centre.Cornell is also a registered Prometrics Centre where Microsoft Certification Examinations can be undertaken as well as Pearson Vue Centre where CISCO Certification examinations can be undertaken.
Business, English, Computing, Cookery, Hospitality
February | April | July | September
PG: 7
UG/PG : 14,000 -16,000 NZD Yearly
You may apply any time prior to your course start. Suggested 4- 5 months prior
Academic IELTS UG/PG : 5.5 Bands - 6.0 Bands
Lynfield, Auckland, New Zealand